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etymon one-click search dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 0.9.0
  • 4.1

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

Đánh giá Softonic

etymon tìm kiếm một lần nhấp chuột

etymon one-click search is a free browser add-on for Chrome developed by HaveF. This handy tool allows users to easily access the etymology of words with just one click. With etymon one-click search, users can quickly find the origins and historical development of words.

The add-on works by providing a convenient way to access the Etymonline website, which is a comprehensive online etymology dictionary. By simply clicking on a word, users can open a new tab and instantly view the etymology of that word on the Etymonline website.

Please note that due to technical restrictions, the add-on requires users to click on the link and open a new tab when visiting HTTPS web pages. The developer apologizes for any inconvenience caused by this limitation.

Phần mềm có sẵn bằng các ngôn ngữ khác

etymon one-click search dành cho Google Chrome

  • Miễn phí

  • Bằng Tiếng Việt
  • V 0.9.0
  • 4.1

  • Tình trạng bảo mật

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